
If you read my blog regularly, you will note that I have not written in a while. I have had a mind block. There is too much going on around me, around us. Too much COVID19 news to consume lately most of it, well, not necessarily good. If not careful, one can end up feeling drowned in feelings of misery, anxiety, anger, or helplessness. I (no doubt many of you too) eagerly await the afternoon ‘breaking’ news with new numbers and new measures the government is taking.

There have been feelings of frustration at times, frustration towards the Government, wondering whether it has done enough of what needs to be done to save the people who earn their wages daily.

The number of infections keeps on increasing. Loss of employment and income is soaring. Some shout from the rooftops ‘lockdown’, while others insist we are not able to handle a lockdown just yet, because of the many people who need to look for something to put on the table on a daily basis.

This week however, I chose not to follow the negative news going around us. This time, I decided to reflect on positivity. And, I must say, it has been good for my brain and soul.

Spiritual. We celebrated Easter last weekend. My Easter weekends in the past have usually been packed with activities and, probably, for many of you as well. Easter is the time we use to visit friends and places, a time to feast and just have some good fun. It is the time we will go to church, reflect on the holiday period and then look for the next fun thing to do.

This time round, all that was stripped away from us because of social distancing. As a result, I took this time and chance to reflect on the power of the cross and the love that God has for me, for you and for all humanity. The Almighty sent His only Son for us because we were lost in sin. As human beings, we go astray, each of us our own way. Yet the iniquity of us all was laid upon Jesus.

I cannot remember the last time I had such an amazing moment when I reflected on God’s love for me. And that I will always be grateful for. For I know He is still God even in the midst of this crisis.

Family. I have seen growth in the relationships at home, with my spouse and with my children. My husband has managed to ensure things are up and running, ensuring his family’s needs are met. My grown daughter has been trying out exciting recipes for the family. She has mad skills in the kitchen. As for my son, he loves the fact that his parents are at home. If it was up to him, we should all work from home.

My ten-year old niece has been living with us and has been quite helpful keeping my son engaged when we’re working. We laugh together, have healthy fights, get busy with our work and try to make the best of this situation. And the cycle goes on.

My highlight has been doing exercises together with the children. Keeping fit is helping me maintain a healthy mind.

Social. I am an extrovert. This season has been quite hard for me. I love people and especially love being around them. Social distancing is not for extroverts at all. But there’s technology, and I thank God for it. Technology has helped me manage to remain connected with my family and friends both in and out of Kenya.

Our marriage enrichment group and bible study group have done studies online. And it has been quite an exciting journey. I have had online fellowships with ladies in the worship team and we even got a chance to pray for each other.

My friends in the office have also not been left behind and it is quite interesting seeing them online not all dressed up as they usually are in the office. I may be missing my networks’ physical presence but technology has met me halfway in this regard.

Intellectual. Harvard University is a dream for many. Yet, I had the privilege of registering for one of their short online leadership courses – Becoming a More Resilient Leader. It had very good learnings on leadership in turbulent times such as the ones we find ourselves in.

The takeaway for me was the importance of ensuring those you are leading survive. Also, stay true to the course by maintaining the credibility of your mission with your team. The best part of the course is that it is free. If you are interested, check out their link for an offer for free courses for a limited period. So, Harvard? Yes, that is so done and dusted!

Personal Space. It can get difficult to maintain some semblance of sanity in the current situation. Working from home and carrying out the household chores while taking care of the family can be quite tiresome. I have found joy in just taking a long drive by myself within the authorized boundaries. This helps me clear my mind and gives me a chance to also reflect and pray.

Giving. I have come to love the fact that our people are quite a generous lot. There are many initiatives out there that have purposed to take care of the needs of vulnerable groups in our midst. This gives me so much hope.

The following initiatives that I found on Facebook have stood out for me: Share a Care Pack who have donated care packs to needy families and have even given an account of all they have received, and Garden of Hope Foundation that is donating handwashing stations in slums.

On another note, I recently joined a group on Facebook initiated by one Amakove on places people have traveled. The pictures have been a good distraction that is greatly needed. I am preparing my list of sights to see, God willing.

This is my story. I have had countless down moments. But I have chosen to focus on the above for now. I also acknowledge that there are many in our midst who are going through a hard time, who are hurting and disillusioned. I pray that you do not lose hope. Look for those small pockets of radiance that can offer hope to a frustrated soul. And just maybe, you will find a reason to go on.

In the meantime, let us choose to be different in our communities, the ones that offer hope and solutions, and not spending time whining and complaining about what is not working.

For it is darkest before the dawn.

‘Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.’ Ephesians 4.29


8 Comments Add yours

  1. Susan Wambui Kigume says:

    Very encouraging article. God bless you

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kigumz says:

    Thank you dear Mum


  3. jakes50 says:

    Very practical experiences; well captured Love the positive energy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Miriam says:

    Lovely, awesome, thanks Emily , learned alot from you, all starts in the mind(attitude), I love you comment ” social distance is not for the extra…”, love how you are Managing your time. Keep many of this coming & stay safe.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kigumz says:

    Thank you jakes50.


  6. Kigumz says:

    Thank you Miriam.


  7. Liz M says:

    The sun continues to shine, the moon continues to reflect the sun’s light…. Let’s not forget the good amidst everything.

    Thank you for sharing, Kigumz. God bless

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Kigumz says:

    Thank you Liz.


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